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Benefits management |
Forecasting, planning and monitoring the emergence and effective implementation of the expected benefits of projects and programs. Guidelines: Activities may include, but are not limited to: Implementing a benefits management system and approach Identifying and implementing the actions necessary to optimize the business impact of individual and combined benefits Confirming the achievement of expected benefits. Benefits management: level 5 Leads the activities necessary to realize the benefits of each part of the change Plata program. Identifies specific metrics and mechanisms to measure benefits and plans to activate these mechanisms at the appropriate time. Monitors benefits against what was predicted in the business plan. Ensures all participants are engaged in the change program and fully ready to utilize the new operational business environment. Supports operations managers in ensuring all plans, work packages, and deliverables are aligned with expected benefits. Benefits Management: level 6. Works with operations managers to ensure maximum improvements as project teams implement their products into operational use. Communicates the vision for the change program to employees at all levels of the enterprise and maintains focus on business objectives. Supports the funding rationale for the program and regularly validates the viability of the program from a business perspective. |